Monday, March 24, 2014

Joyah's Official Adoption Appointment

Today has been another wonderful day.  Last night we took off all of Joyah's layers of clothing and gave her a bath.  Apparently she does cry some and the bath proved to be a little traumatic.  We are hoping she was tired but for now, she won't get one every day.

She slept well last night with Daddy and fell asleep at 11pm just like we were told.  She is used to sleeping with foster grandfather and does not like cribs.  We will have to work on new routines but for now we work focus on bonding.  Best thing is, she slept all night!  Best first night ever with any of our kids!

We went to our adoption appointment today to hand over lots of cash and get official adoption certificates.  They gave her a necklace and doll for gifts.  The group picture is with the 2 other families that traveled with us.  We are so thankful to be doing this together with them.  One is from North Carolina, the other from Alabama.

Not only was today an awesome day for things to become official for getting home next week but we got the opportunity to find out more about Joyah.  She has been in foster care through a Christian organization run by Mr. Han, a Chinese man and a missionary from Pittsburgh who has been here for 23 years.  They both explained to us that they have seen 600 of their kids adopted to US families.  Joyah was a very sick baby with many challenges when she left the hospotal and came to them.  They placed her with the foster Mom she had for 16 months and told us that she was very dedicated to Joyah.  She even took her for rehab twice weekly at the foster care center which they said many mothers do not take the time to do.  They said she benefited greatly from her mothers care and they are hopeful that she will become very healthy.  We thanked Mr Han with much gratefulness and to that he pointed to the sky to give God the credit.

We serve such an awesome God!

James and Joyah are having a Father/Daughter nap as I type.

1 comment:

  1. God is the best story writer ever!
    Is that bottom picture all the clothes she was wearing?? Wow! :)
