Saturday, March 29, 2014

Journey to Guangzhou

Yesterday was a travel day getting to Guangzhou where the US Consulate is located.  We had to check out at 2pm and hang out in the lobby until 3pm for the van to the airport.  Beforehand we killed plenty of time packing and figuring how to communicate to order a KFC lunch.  We have not been able to eat easily on this trip.  In fact, Ramen noodle buckets have been an easy and cheap lunch or dinner many times especially since you have boil water in your room before drinking it.

While in the lobby waiting for our guide we finally got Joyah to take a 30 minute nap before heading out to the airport.  This ended being the only rest she got until the bus ride to the hotel at 9pm.  She just can't rest if there is any noise or chance she might miss something.

Our guide came at 3pm to take us to the airport for our 6pm flight but on the way we needed to pick up our Child's Chinese passport.  The passport office usually takes 9 days to complete them but in the adoption process we have to ask favors and give gifts for them to be done in 3 days before going to Guangzhou.   When our guide arrived at 3pm he told us that we would leave at 3:30 to go pick up the passports and head to the airport because they were not yet done.  So at 3:30 we piled all of the families and luggage into the van.  We could not have been packed in much tighter.  We drove drove down the road a bit and eere told to wait in the van with the driver while our guide went to get the passports.  The driver opened the sliding door for air while all of us (3 families) waited.

Apparently a bunch of Americans packed tightly into a van creates quite the display.  Almost every man that passed stared intently as they walked by and the women smiled or stared as well.  The school children ran by giggling and seemed to be daring each other to run close, say something and run off again laughing.  Time began to go by and still no sign our guide or passports.  Finally at 4:30pm he returns but with only 1 passport for 1 family.  He said we must get to the plane and the other 2 passports, including Joyah's may have to be mailed to Guangzhou or a friend of his would try to get them to us before getting on the plane if they got done in a short time.

I don't know how we would have gotten on the plane easily or how we would have done today with her medical exam and completion of more paperwork without that passport but God took care of the timing.  Just as we were about to walk through security a lady ran in with our passport for Joyah and the other family's child.  We got to our boarding gate 5 minutes before boarding time with all documents we needed for Guangzhou.  Praise the Lord!

Today we visited the US Consulate for Joyah's medical exam and completion of more paperwork.  Boy is it humid here!  We are close to the China Sea and it is the rainy season. It is quite tropical wth palm trees and year round blooming plants.  We plan to go to a park nearby tonight and tomorrow we will sight-see before our visa appointment on Monday.

I will try to add some pics later tonight.

Here are some pics from yesterday, the medical appointment and the beautiful park near the hotel.  New accomplishment, she now likes baths!

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