Thursday, April 10, 2014

One Week Home

We are so thankful to have made it home on time last Wednesday, April 2nd without any problems.  It took us a while to get through security and customs in Seattle with the addition of adoption paperwork but our plane arrived early from Tokyo and allowed us the extra time to board the flight home from Seattle.  Joyah was a handful on our first flight but the rest of our flights home she did as well as we could have expected.  She ended up sleeping 7 of the 17hours in the air.  We did not sleep but a few minutes here and there which ended up being a big problem once we arrived home.

Joyah was met by family at the airport with balloons, flowers and signs.  The boys had even made her cards.  Joyah is really enjoying her big brothers.  Even from the first night, they have enjoyed playing and laughing together.  Anything that gets her brothers to laugh she will keep doing over and over, especially at the supper table. 

Sleep!  Oh precious sleep!  That is what we have been lacking over the past week.  Joyah was a co-sleeper in China with her foster family and we had tried to do this with her as well to foster the attachment and bonding process.  However, it didn't seem to matter too much whether we slept with or without her, she just did not sleep.  She screamed less in bed with us but just played around or was up every 30 minutes or so.  She was better sleeping in China but she gradually got worse before leaving for home.  I am thankful to report after trying lavender, melatonin, zantac, weighted blankets, time and prayers, she has now slept TWO whole nights in her bed without us and has put herself back to sleep when waking!  We are SO SO thankful!!  I hope the new habit will continue.

Joyah had her first checkup with Children's Mercy Hospital on Tuesday.  The doctor was happily surprised to see her trying to walk with help and using her arms and legs as she does.  Her previous medical needs would have suggested that this may be very difficult for her.  She received some immunizations and blood work.  The blood work all came back great today.  She is healthy!  Joyah will be getting a Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy evaluation soon as well as an eye exam to see if anything needs to be addressed to further her proper development. 

In the past week since being home, sleep was a huge problem but we have seen so many accomplishments with her.  In China, she would cry if put down on the floor to play.  She would cry if you tried to help her walk.  She would cry if you encouraged her to pick up her own food on the high chair.  Joyah is now crawling on all surfaces, trying to grap your fingers to walk, pulling herself up and feeding herself finger foods quite often.  We are so thankful! 

Her are some pictures of Joyah's first night home with the boys, first time going to church, baseball practice and wagon ride.  Thank you for all the prayers for our safe journey home and for Joyah!
First wagon Ride

First baseball practice

Our Travel Group of Forever Friends

First time playing with Joyah

Boys showing Joyah her cards

This is what happens when you don't sleep!

Crawling before church

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