Thursday, February 13, 2014

Waiting for Travel Approval!

Joyah is now 16 months old and we just completed the last bit of paperwork with the National Visa Center to get her home!  We are waiting now for travel approval from China which should come in about a month or so.  Exciting stuff!  We have been busy preparing her room and trying to navigate the enormous amount of travel information. Josiah (5) recently was cleaning toothpaste out of the sink for a very long time.  James asked him why he was cleaning so much and Josiah replied that, "if the house isn't clean, Joyah won't know that she is getting a new home".  Quite sweet :)

Many of you may like to hear the story of how God matched us with Joyah.  I recently wrote an article for our orphan ministry newsletter that I would like to share.  Thank you for your prayers!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Chinese New Year 2014!

We had a wonderful time celebrating Chinese New Year this past Friday!  Some friends taught us about the New Year traditions and celebration last year and we enjoyed creating our own celebration and feast this year as we thought of our daughter Joyah Mi Ni.  We are even starting to get the hang of using chopsticks ;)

Paperwork is in the process of going through US immigration and the National Visa Center so we still have no dates for travel other than the estimated April or May to be able to bring Joyah home.  Just more waiting as usual.