Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Blessing for Another

This past week we were so excited to have our first Home Study meeting scheduled and start moving a little further in the paperwork process.  It was scheduled for yesterday and cancelled yesterday.  At first I was dissapointed but then I found out that our social worker is also involved in Domestic Adoptions.  She was helping to unite a brand new baby with their adoptive parents in the Kansas City area.  I felt so happy as I thought of that family snuggling at home as a family of 3 for the first time last night.  What a blessing for them! 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Sweet Moment

Earlier this week I had a really sweet moment with Jonas, our six year old.  After supper one night he went upstairs to his bedroom and emptied out all of his change.  He brought down the handful of money and said to me, "Mom, I want you to have this money to help bring my sister home."  It was awesome to see that he already loves his sister.  He also told me today that he was going to save money to buy her toys.  So, my daughter in China, you have a big brother who loves you very much!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Feeling closer

Just wrote out another pretty large check in efforts to bring our daughter home.  I noticed that this time I wrote out the check instead of feeling scared about the money, I felt tears of excitement that we are one check closer in bringing our daughter/sister home.  It's interesting but I'm beginning to feel "pregnant".

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

When is our sister coming?

This is the question the boys have been asking a lot lately.  We thought of her often at Christmas time and couldn't help but shed a tear when a song was played by Third Day wishing their daughter in China a Merry Christmas before she joined their family.  At this point we don't know if she is old enough to know that we are waiting for her but we pray for her daily.

We are now in the "paper pregnancy" stage of the adoption process.  I think biological pregancy is easier as I feel like I've signed up for a semester worth of college papers to write and collect.  I believe that God is going to teach me a lot through this process.  Patience with accomplishing all that I want to get done right now, today to be exact, will be the big one.  I am also looking forward to seeing the miracles that God has around the corner in helping us to finance bringing our daughter home.  I know it will happen because God wants this to happen.  Wow!  2013 is going to be exciting!